搜索 Driest

  • The west German security police, Verfassungsschutz, need help to infiltrate a group connected to the Rote Arme Fraktion. The swedish James Bond, Carl Hamilton, goes to Hamburg, pretending to be a Swedish officer, thrown out of the country after having been exposed as an East German spy. He gets in contact with the terr…
  • 史楚锡(Bruno S.  饰)是一位街头流浪艺人,穷苦的生存让他感应走投无路,在邻人的鼓舞下,他和女友艾娃(Eva Mattes 饰)决定远赴美国,开端他们的淘金之旅。在艾娃通过出卖身段筹得路费今后,三人上路了。初到美国,一切都显得光亮而布满停整理,三人均找 到了不乱的事情过上了安静的生存,存了一笔小钱。一次有时中,史楚锡通过同伙得知他…
  • 该片从德军的角度回顾了在1943年东部沙场的一段血腥履历,围绕着一个厌战老兵和一个以谋取铁十字勋章作为人生方针的贵族军官展开。两人的几番较劲,代表了那时德军中的两种心态,同时也揭示了战争的最终走向……  1943年,德国沙场,德军上尉史特兰斯基刚被提为中队长,他一心想获取德军最大声誉“铁十字勋章”。上尉想提拔能征善战的史泰纳,…
  • The west German security police, Verfassungsschutz, need help to infiltrate a group connected to the Rote Arme Fraktion. The swedish James Bond, Carl Hamilton, goes to Hamburg, pretending to be a Swedish officer, thrown out of the country after having been exposed as an East German spy. He gets in contact with the terr…