搜索 Eubha

  • 为了避免十年心血打造的AI机械人落进不知己计心情者手中,工程师尼克·克拉克不可不将它带回家中躲匿,并给这个AI机械人取名为"夏娃"。本剧报告的就是夏娃和人类一起生存,进修,演化的故事。与以往同范例的故事差此外是,本剧侧重描写人类和AI协调共处,而不是敌对攻诘。剧中说起了不少别致的手艺和科学理念,值得一看。
  • Under pressure from the Calimov Board, Katherine prepares to present Eve to the world. Meanwhile, Mary is still determined to get Eve back.  在卡利莫夫董事会的压力下,凯瑟琳预备向全世界介绍夏娃。与此同时,玛丽仍然决心要把伊芙弄回来。
  • 海外剧剧情
    A young ballet dancer from 1905 is transported into the 21st century with the power of a magical necklace. qiwan.cc While her boyfriend looks for a way to bring her back, she must find a way to fit in and dodge the sinister time agents.