搜索 Finger

  • Former Colonel Fernandez is appointed Minister of the National Anti-Drug Agency (SENAD) and purges the special forces to fight the first of many battles against drug trafficking on the border of Paraguay and Argentina.
  • 地球生态完全损坏今后,人类迁居外太空,形成太空站人满为患,而唯一获取解救的停整理就在距离地球五个光年的另一个星球上……在前往新星球的途中,所有人都将进进冷冻休眠状况,只有几个士兵轮值守御,而在年轻医官萝拉的四个月轮守傍边,诡异、清幽的太空船上似乎有其他生物存在着……到底那些生物是敌是友?这场布满多难害的人类迁徙之旅能顺…
  • Charles是一个成功的CEO,有一个标致的妃耦和14岁的女儿。同时他和本人年轻貌美的女秘书还有婚外情。他的妃耦Emily早就知情,却不愿意是以与Charles产生抵牾。当Charles想与女秘书竣事关系的时辰,却遭到女秘书的告状。当他的生存天崩地裂天翻地覆时,他才发明并不如 本人所想的本人才是掌控者…
  • Reggie examines the career and legacy of Major League baseball Hall of Famer and activist Reggie Jackson.  Jackson sits down to recount his experiences breaking barriers within the MLB, starting in Birmingham at the height of the Civil Rig…
  • In a small Florida town, the inhabitants are mysteriously disappearing. A hard core biker arrives in search of his missing daughter. He learns that a malignant force from another dimension, a Souleater, is causing the disappearances. He teams up with a burned-out sheriff and a defrocked priest to battle the creature an…