搜索 Georgia

  • based on true events. Aesha goes to an isolated b&b in Kent after her mom books her in so she can get some head space for her studies. In the night Aesha is visited by a nun at the door who will progressively begin to show her true colours as the night unfolds - As the nun continues to bother Aesha at the door, Aes…
  • 二次大战时,德军魔爪伸向希腊。 危急存亡之际,希腊需尽速将国库黄金送到英国保管,以策安全。杜博上校与安船长奉命将黄金藏於药物箱中,驾医疗船突破封锁与英驱逐舰接头。随行的美貌战地记者哥哥顿,与英勇的军官亚历恋爱,历尽波折。偷跑上船的费安东,放任不羁,身份扑朔迷离。 众人为避德军耳目,在亚历父亲的带领下,从陆路运金往会…
  •       大海在炙热的太阳下闪烁,坐落于水边雄伟的别墅投射着它的倒影,阳光直接照射在奢华的泳池表面,就好像书中插图一样的祥和,只是一具漂浮在泳池里的男尸破坏了这田园般的美好景象。   马库斯不仅是伊比沙最热门的俱乐部中最成功电子DJ,而且是一个非常赚钱的时尚品牌创立者。在维多利亚成为马