搜索 LeGros

  • 另类导演格斯.范.山特的成名作,由马特.狄龙、凯利.林奇主演描写七十年代一个专门偷盗禁药的青少年四人帮,成天沉湎毒海,毫无生存方针。后来女团员吸毒过量致死,令鲍勃大受冲击,决定戒毒,从此与同伙各奔出息,并留下来在当地工厂找事情,过正常生存。本片的腔调措置得相配低落苦闷,对年轻人空虚无助只以乱吃药作为宣泄的悲剧刻划得很是…
  • Eric and Quentin, hosts in a children's show, are at the peak of their television careers. On a night that is a little too crazy, they drink too much and do a little rubbish. Unfortunately, someone films their exploits and broadcasts the video over the Internet. It's bad buzz, the dreaded phenomenon for a public figure…
  • 一个会玩电脑、出手才能超强的男孩和母亲、爷爷住在一栋大屋子里,圣诞节他要求圣诞白叟到家办事,成果上门的是个杀人的疯子!  他行使各类玩具、对象和疯子在家中周旋……最初带爷爷逃脱。