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  • Art historian Dr Janina Ramirez embarks on a journey through six decades of the BBC archives to create a television history of one of the most celebrated figures in art - Leonardo Da Vinci.Ramirez shows how experts and art presenters - from Andrew Graham-Dixon to Fiona Bruce to Kenneth Clarke - have turned to televisio…
  • When Europe skips class to climb aboard an eight-wheel truck with a magnetic young man named Jupiter, little does she know of the journey of initiation that lies ahead of her. "As a child, I experienced the pleasure of fiction thanks to my elder brother who would read Ovid"s metamorphoses to me in secret…
  • 英法两国的统治阶级由共享的价值观、行为准则、和语言而紧密地联合在一起,相互联姻长达三百年之久,然而,十四世纪中叶,此般亲密荡然无存,一场历时逾百年的战争就此打响... 第一集:家族的纠纷(Trouble in the Family: 1337-1360) 爱德华三世(E dward III)打破中世纪的行为规则,并在克雷西会战中使用弓箭手大败法国骑士军团;…
  • Seventeen year old Miku is “just some dude” devoid of personality, at least according to his brother. After a party-turned-rager that destroys his home, Miku is doomed to spend the rest of the summer at their family cottage, where both his parents avoid dealing with their own budding relationship crisi…
  • 在这个经典的21世纪西方电影里,两国交界边境的治安警察与恶毒的墨西哥贩毒集团斗智斗勇。这部以人物为主导的电影以前所未有的方式引发了人们对目无法纪,法律秩序的崩溃以及是否应该以暴制暴这些问题的深度思考。
  • Andrei is a young tenor at a renowned Opera Theatre. He dreams about fame and money.One day a well-known European opera diva Sophie Mayer visits the Opera Theatre. She is going to put the well known piece “Queen of Spades” on stage. Andrei desperately wants to get Herman’s role. He is surprised to lea…
  • 《孢子》主要讲述5个年轻人厌倦了城市生活的喧嚣与无聊,于是来到城郊的一座废弃的工厂探险。 在厂房的深处无意中发现了许多正在孵化的非地球物种,并遭到已孵化而出的生物的追铺与攻击,一场惊心动魄的人类与地外物种的搏斗由此展开......
  • 本片与《第八个是铜像》均改编自阿尔巴尼亚作家阿戈里的作品,不过这次将视角集中于一位社会主义改革中的优秀共产党员。一个浮吊司机为了维护国家的荣誉和集体的利益,不惜挺身与官僚主义和各种反动思潮做斗争,并成功坚持了自身的原则不受腐蚀。最终在抢险事故中光荣殉职。http://www.verycd.com/topics/239223/
  • 她们洗着自己根本买不起的名贵时装,擦着她们从来用不到的银质酒具……有时候,她们还需要和雇主的丈夫们上床。对比佛利富人社区的女佣们来说,这就是她们的日常工作。她们的生活中永远不缺达官显贵,但现实永远在提醒她们:不要忘记自己的身份!不要忘记你只是个下人!
  • 韩国人金(安圣基)在波兰华沙是跆拳道教练,他总是一个人生活。坐火车不到6个小时就能和住在柏林的妻子和女儿团聚的他一直在欧洲漂泊了10年...