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  • 在这部广获好评且具有冲破性的特辑中,荤腥不忌的笑匠兼电视节目主持人伦敦·休斯回首回头回忆前尘,报告各类露骨轶闻和狂野故事。
  • 在斯蒂芬.路德医院的儿童关照房里,位于移植名单首位9岁的山姆.库佩正在期待着他的新肝脏。他的妈妈40岁的丽莎.库佩心脏手术的主任医师尽管天天都在抢救病人的性命,却不可救她的儿子,而感觉很是无助。当仅存停整理的一个肝脏,在运输的路上破损后,选择不法路子的肝脏成为了她的唯一选择。她甩掉了她生平都在努力于的医学体系,奥秘地往了一个…
  • Kuad and Kai are siblings who are apart from one another since their childhood. Kuad is brought up in a slum and supports his life by playing gambling whereas Kai is with his grandmother. When an accident causes grandmother to be in a coma and need more money for the cure, Kai begins searching for his brother Kuad. Thi…
  • 通过与贵族艺术鉴赏家娜德则达·佛罗丝卡亚的关系,展示俄罗斯作曲家彼得·伊里奇·柴可夫斯基的生存和事情。
  • 这地方,是马来西亚的一个小镇,永平。  这女孩,李巧娇,奶名阿娇(庄米雪饰)。  阿娇售卖电视机,但她更渴想进进电视机的画面里。  阿娇生存在新加坡建造的华语电视持续剧中。她对每一部第八波道的持续剧里的对白都耳熟能详,倒背如流。甚至她那麻雀虽小,五脏俱全的小房间里,四堵墙和天花板上都贴满了从文娱杂志上所剪出来的明星照片…
  • 本剧和HBO《继续之战》有相似的基调。故事横跨纽约和伦敦两地,聚焦一个英国黑人家庭,以及这个家庭的野心,和他们面临不幸时的回响反应。  自力更生的Stephen Richards建立了一个美妆帝国,他总能如愿以偿、点石成金,就连甩掉第一任妃耦和Nina、Simon两个孩子,对他来说也成了一件功德。Stephen与更年轻的第二任妃耦Claudia安置了下…
  • Four tragicomic interconnected stories about how devoted Muslim men and women are trying to manage their love life and desires without breaking any religious rules.
  • Three X drag Queens put all their savings into buying an apartment block as an investment. But the business venture turns into a disaster when a dead body is found is in the building. The haunting from the mad ghost leaves all the residents terrified, and they understandably want to leave. The threesome have to find th…
  • At a haunted apartment block populated mostly by ladyboys and cross-dressers, Taew opens a new apartment but soon someone commits suicide in a room - or maybe its murder. That is the start of crazy and funny haunting incidents and scenes involving a lot of people running away from pursuing ghosts.