搜索 韩湘琴

  • 动作片冒险
    南宫正为报杀父之仇,单人独马,直闯庆云坊,以家传珍宝“夺命金剑”和盖世堡堡主屠龙苦战,连番决战,终把仇敌除掉。南宫正后来被官府通缉,捕头严世杰受命办案。严来到南宫家,是夜,正回,其妹琳以暗号示警,被杰发明,两边一触即发,却哆嗦了正母,母既知子已报仇,于愿已足,训正不应违法 。闲事母至孝,不敢违抗,束手就擒。屠天彪为替兄…
  • Captain Vinka Kovelenko defects from Russia, but not for political reasons. She defects because she feels discriminated against as a woman. Captain Chuck Lockwood gets the order to show her the bright side of capitalism, while she tries to convince him of the superority of communism. Naturaly, they fall in love, but th…