搜索 BanitaSandhu

  • 一个名为舒莉的女孩,每年都会热切期盼着十月的到来。那是茉莉盛开的季节,花儿将整夜的飘落,撒满一地。花期是如此的短暂,舒莉最终也如同茉莉般凋零了。多么短暂的美丽啊,就这样匆匆的走了,留给“丹”一生牵挂...也许,每个人的一生都会如同《十月花开》这般,有过灿烂、有过辉煌,灿烂过后、辉煌过后,便是消逝,唯有那袅袅花香证明它曾经…
  • Dan (Varun Dhawan) is living the life of any carefree 21 year old, revolving around a bunch of friends and fellow hotel interns who feed off each other"s everyday moments, their ups and downs. Shiuli (Banita Sandhu) is one such intern at the same hotel, who at times is at a receiving end of Dan"s audaciousnes…