搜索 Helinheimo

  • 芬兰可骇片。影片取材于当地的真实惨案:1960年6月4日,四个年轻人来到波登湖旁边露营,成果在三更遭到残忍攻击,其中三名受害者死亡,还剩一位幸存者事后想不起产生了什么,但这起事变最终因为窘蹙充足的证据而成为了一宗悬案,外界对于该案有着各类猜测,这些猜测便促成了导演对剧情的构思,也就是本片的内收留....
  • 20世纪80年代,赫尔辛基,一座布满年重活力和起义的城市,两位决心征服世界的年轻作家猖狂地坠进爱河对英卡来说,恋爱使每件事情都活泼起来:她找到了本人的声音,出书了她的第一部小说,并且成为了哆嗦。他们关系的对胡哈娜产生了差此外影响,她开端掉对写作的掌控,最终掉了对生存的掌控。在恋爱的岑岭期,英卡开端思疑他们猖狂的恋爱……
  • In 1980's Helsinki, a city about to burst with young energy and rebellion, two young writers determined to conquer the world fall madly in love. For Inka, the love affair puts everything in motion: she finds her own voice, publishes her first novel - and becomes a sensation. The intensity of their relationship has a di…
  • In 1980"s Helsinki, a city about to burst with young energy and rebellion, two young writers determined to conquer the world fall madly in love. For Inka, the love affair puts everything in motion: she finds her own voice, publishes her first novel - and becomes a sensation. The intensity of their relationship has…