搜索 Keita

  • Grounded in South African folklore, this moody, menacing supernatural thriller follows a white family newly arrived on an inherited farm. Soon after moving in, they meet a mysterious local outcast named Lazarus, who carries with him a dark secret that will put everyone at risk. With evocative images, spine-tingling sou…
  • 缠在一起的缘分的面临和竣事。  泰京的初恋套彬富人石在大学商定成婚,  真实的他和秘书有着深厚的关系…”  忽然有一天,遭到挫折的泰京与秘书一起恩秀!  可是恩秀金熙洙杀死朴泰景的样子和很是相似,但…
  • 被称为最强刺客的Phantom遇上了只身至美国旅行的少年吾妻玲二,而少年却发现原来这个在黑街里执行黑手党干部连续暗杀事件Phantom,居然是和他年龄相近的少女Ein.之后少年被谜般的组织Inferno(地狱)绑架,并且被洗脑导至记忆丧失,后来更接受Ein的训练,学习各式各样的暗杀术,成为跟Phantom一样替Inferno卖命的杀人机器Zwei.同时作品也描绘少…