搜索 Larney

  • 在2067年,地球濒临解体。在破损情况和善候多年今后,人类支出了可骇的代价:丛林,动物和野生动动物磨灭了,因为可用氧气的急剧削减,人类很快也将衰亡。在这个昏暗的,病笃的世界中,人们通过口罩呼吸的合成的氧气生存,可是即便如许,也越来越多的人开端不适并且生病。在没有治愈方式的情况下,人类唯一可以的停整理就是将来,停整理在将来还…
  • Three high school friends gain superpowers after making an incredible discovery. Soon, though, they find their lives spinning out of control and their bond tested as they embrace their darker sides.
  • Tombiruo is a troubled young man, deformed, dutiful and burdened with powers that do not bend to his will. The tragic death of his father causes Tombiruo to seek revenge and punish those responsible.
  • 老鼠雷索收养了一只小鹅叫丑丑,丑丑非常丑所以被每个人嘲笑、藐视,雷索带丑丑表演节目,更让丑丑挨嘲笑。丑丑长大了,但是和以前一样丑,雷索带丑丑和丑丑的朋友杰西(一只鸭子)去游乐场大显身手,丑丑表演节目后大受打击,雷索也开始自责。母老鼠菲利斯这时候飞了出来并绑架了丑丑,想以此跟雷索结婚,雷索跑到黑屋子里去救丑丑,却掉入了圈…