搜索 Ribas

  • 六十多岁的Clara是一位退休的音乐评论家,降生于巴西累西腓地区的中产阶层地区她居住在一栋很是怪异的大楼内,这座名为Aquarius建筑始建于上世纪40年代,邻接沿着大海的AvenidaBoaViagem。一家大型地产商买下了所有套房的产权,但她却回尽卖掉本人的屋子。她与不竭纠缠的房地产公司展开了冷战。在压力的影响下,她开端思索本人的生存、过往和本…
  • 三位哥们相约来黄金岸沙岸露营度假,本想只过三人六合的时光,不想三人之间的关系被一个主动接近的女人搞得……  这是一部讲兄弟情深胜过男女欢爱的影戏,咱们保举列位观看!  别的,在这儿顺着西语的片名说一下,对于许多直男来说,他们的哥们、或称死党、或称发小,或称基友,或称砚兄砚弟近乎就是没有性关系的女友,有时比弯男们更习惯粘…
  • 年轻的画家雅克从乡下乘车前往巴黎。在到达巴黎的阿谁夜晚,他偶遇了正想投河自杀的玛尔特。雅克救下了她,并陪她回家,他们相约转天晚上再会面。第二个夜晚,雅克和玛尔特互换了彼此的人生故事,在玛尔特的要求下,雅克成了玛尔特和她恋人世的信使。然而,那位尽情的恋人并没答信,这让玛尔特很是掉落。在接下来的两个夜晚,雅克对玛尔特的衷情…
  • Two strangers meet in a subway car. Both bring their past with them. Both look from their present. Both will determine their future in that fleeting, and ephemeral, vital journey that brings them together briefly.
  • Lino works as an entertainer at children's parties, but he can't stand the way children treat him, making fun of him because he works in a cat's costume. Determined to change his life, he visits a wizard, but the magic doesn't work in the right way, and he wakes up as a big cat.
  • Central Park is a unique, genre bending thriller/horror film that spans one night in the worlds' most famous park.